Sign up for the next half hog breakdown demo on July 29th!
Our first one was such a smash hit, we're going to host another one!
Hey friends of the farm, happy spring!! Everything is finally turning green and my spring energy and zest for projects is revving up. Hope you’re feelin’ it too!
We hosted our first ever Half Hog Breakdown class recently and it was INCREDIBLE! Our badass butcher friends Cecka and Cailee taught a group of our customers all about the different delicious options available when you order pastured pork from our farm. A huge thanks to Sarah Carroll from Greener Pastures for hosting us and creating such a beautiful spread for us to nosh on. (Btw, make sure to check out their upcoming Farm-to-Table Activism dinners!)
The class was such a blast, so we’re doing another one! This time, we’ll gather in Spring Grove, MN on July 29th from 1-4pm. If you’d like to come, fill out this form!
Tickets are sliding scale $60-40 — every penny goes towards the butchers, the space fee, and refreshments.
Hope to see y’all there!
In other news, our 2023 piggos are thriving with their mamas on our farrowing partner’s farm, our 50 pastured laying hens arrive on Monday, the ramps are up in our little valley, and one of our piggos and Farmer Dayna made the cover of the Practical Farmers of Iowa magazine. Such an honor for our farm!
I think that’s all the news we’ve got for now. OH! One more thing (derp): we still have some hogs available to reserve for this fall but we’re already over 75% sold out. Let me know if you’re interested!
Hugs from the Driftless,
Dayna + Nick
Gosh that sure looks like fun don’t it?